Per quanto la nostra esistenza sia fatta di relazioni,
con le quali ci confrontiamo per tutta
la nostra vita, e' nella solitudine che misuriamo il nostro essere soprattutto
quando, dopo una giornata faticosa, rimaniamo con noi stessi e con la nostra
anima a contare le Stelle del nostro Piccolo Firmamento.
For as much as our existence is made out of relationships, onwhich we confront ourselves for all our own life; it's in the solitude that we measure our own being, especially after a exhausting day, we say still with our own selves and with our own soul to count the stars of our own little firmament.
For as much as our existence is made out of relationships, onwhich we confront ourselves for all our own life; it's in the solitude that we measure our own being, especially after a exhausting day, we say still with our own selves and with our own soul to count the stars of our own little firmament.
Fabio Barbarossa